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Frequent questions
What plant is Lagerstroemia?It is a deciduous flowering shrub suitable for a temperate climate. In the period between May and October it presents a splendid flowering framed by fresh bright green foliage. In winter it retains an elegant appearance due to the particular shine of the wood. Resistant to pollution and most diseases, it is very suitable for both small gardens and large parks due to its spectacular and abundant flowering, without any danger of damaging pavements or curbs thanks to its slender root system. Lagerstroemia is a delicate and slender-looking plant, however it has a fair resistance to diseases. It is generally attacked by two types of pathologies: aphids and powdery mildew. Both diseases, if the season has a regular trend, are resolved with three treatments a year.
How do you prune a Lagerstroemia?Pruning lagerstroemia is important to give the plant a tidier appearance and to improve subsequent vegetation. In the garden it must be carried out every year during the second half of February. However, in the nursery, to obtain greater growth of the plant, it is advisable to prune it every other year, always in the same period.
What are the diseases and treatments of Lagerstroemia?Lagerstroemia is a delicate and slender-looking plant, however it has a fair resistance to diseases. It is generally attacked by two types of pathologies: aphids and powdery mildew. Both diseases, if the season has a regular trend, are resolved with three treatments a year. Aphids: (Commonly known as “lice”). In the spring-summer period, check the lower part of the leaves very often. Once you have identified the louse, intervene immediately:In the nursery: use specific aphicide products: the first treatment should be done with a systemic product, while for the remaining treatments use abatement products.In the garden: you can easily find valid specific products for aphids in any agricultural shop. Powdery mildew: (Commonly called “sulphur disease”). You can simply ascertain whether the plant is attacked by this disease by often checking the new vegetation and the bud: if you see a thin whitish veil it is time to intervene:In the nursery: to avoid a useless waste of time and money it is advisable, for preventive and/or curative purposes, every time aphids are treated, to mix an anti-oidic product in order to solve both problems.In the garden: in any agricultural sector, products such as pure sulfur (to be sprinkled on the plant) or wettable sulfur (to be mixed with water to spray the plant) are easily available. The problem is solved.
How do you plant and grow a Lagerstroemia?Soil: Fertile and fresh soils are certainly the best, however lagerstroemia also adapts to other types of soil as long as they are not dry or clayey. During the summer period the plant requires abundant weekly watering, so a drip system is recommended. Planting: On the market you can only find lagerstroemia grown in pots, clearly it is always possible to grow the cutting in the ground with good results. Planting, regardless of the climate zone, should always be done in spring (from April to June), never during the winter months. For the cultivation of bushes in the open ground it is essential to arrange them in spaced rows, taking care to ensure that the seedlings have the necessary air and light. On the contrary, to produce a tall or half-stemmed stem it is essential to arrange the rows at a short distance so that the lagerstroemia, seeking the light, develops in height. Fertilization: In the winter period, fertilize only once with manure fertilizers. In the spring period, use nitrogen-based fertilizers with the addition of phosphorus and potassium once vegetation begins. Fertilization should never be suspended, not even when the plant is adult. Exposure and Climate: Lagerstroemia loves the sun. Always ensure good exposure, otherwise flowering will be poor and the plant will most likely be subject to attacks of powdery mildew (see: diseases). It lives well throughout the Mediterranean area and more generally in all temperate climates. Lagerstroemia generally fears the cold, but some varieties are more resistant than others. Support: In the cultivation of small trees and half trunks, the support with shovel is used to reach the desired circumference. Bushes, however, do not require this technique. Root: Unlike many other garden plants, lagerstroemia has the advantage of not damaging old walls or pavements with its roots. In fact, its root system is not very developed, even when the plant is adult. Reproduction: It occurs by cutting and is generally entrusted to specialized companies. Good results are also obtained by planting the cutting in the open ground in the first period of April.
How can I buy Lagerstroemia plants?You can purchase our varieties by communicating with our company via the contact form on the site or via our telephone number.
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