The most beautiful varieties of Lagerstroemia
We have selected for you some varieties of Lagerstroemia which we believe are the best on the market due to their colour, shape and resistance.

Lagerstroemia Indica “Caroline Beauty”
Di colore rosso intenso.
Fiore doppio.
Abbastanza resistente al freddo.
Abbondante fioritura.

Lagestroemia Indica “Rubra Magnifica”
Light red in colour.
Double flower.
Vigorous and upright plant.
Not very resistant to cold.

Lagerstroemia Indica “Nivea”
White in colour.
Early flowering.
Medium resistance to cold.
It is very difficult to produce with a tall trunk, so it is usually grafted onto a rose tree.

Lagerstroemia Indica “Violacea”
Purple in colour.
It is resistant to cold.
Early flowering.
Slender plant by nature.

Lagerstroemia Indica “Rosea Nova”
Light pink in colour.
Early flowering.
Slender plant by nature and not very resistant to cold.

Lagerstroemia Indica “Dynamite”
Bright carmine red in colour.
Abundant summer flowering.
Not very resistant to cold.

Lagerstroemia Indica “Coccinea”
Blood red in colour.
Non-assurgent variety.
Very vigorous.
Not very resistant to cold.

Lagerstroemia Indica “ Rosea”
Intense pink color.
Rustic and vigorous plant.
Cold resistant.
It is also used as a grafting subject for some colors such as red, white and purple.

Lagerstroemia Indica “Durant Red”
Dark red in colour.
Double flower.
Late flowering.
It is a vigorous plant and fairly resistant to the cold.

Lagerstroemia Indica "Rosea Grassi"
Dark pink in colour.
Self-cleaning double flower.
Vigorous and upright plant.
Particularly suitable for small trees.

Lagerstroemia Indica "White Fat"
Pure white in colour.
Self-cleaning double flower.
Early flowering

Lagerstroemia Indica "Violacea Grassi"
Intense purple color.
Self-cleaning double flower.
Vigorous and upright plant.

Lagerstroemia Indica "Red Grassi"
Light red in colour.
Self-cleaning flower.
Cold resistant.